Anti Wedding Wedding Club
A thoughtful podcast about weddings, traditions and why you can do whatever the hell you want. Hosted by Stephanie Seril, a 99% retired event planner turned tech executive who just hasn't been able to shake the wedding industry. Anti Wedding Wedding Club is a podcast (and evolving platform) created to arm all of you with information on how and why wedding traditions and this industry exists. We want you to make your own decisions on what you want when it comes to celebrating your love and your marriage, and give you the confidence to step outside the mass expectations everyone seems to have for weddings these days. Make sure to check out our IG (@antiweddingweddingclub) and our website (www.antiweddingweddingclub.com) for more details on the podcast, inspiration for your weddings and more!
Anti Wedding Wedding Club
The Garter and Bouquet Tosses
Stephanie Seril
Season 1
Episode 4
This week we’re going to be discussing the garter and bouquet toss. I will warn you know, I am not a fan of either of these traditions. Coming into the research for this episode the only thing I really knew about it was that whoever caught the bouquet was the next to get married, and that I thought it was a bit gross to have my husband climb up my dress to remove a band of fabric from my likely sweaty thigh in front of my family and friends.